Class AdbDeviceListBuffer
- Namespace
- MaaFramework.Binding.Buffers
- Assembly
- MaaFramework.Binding.Native.dll
A class providing a reference implementation for Maa Toolkit Adb Device List Buffer section of MaaFramework.Binding.Interop.Native.MaaToolkit.
public class AdbDeviceListBuffer : MaaListBuffer<nint, AdbDeviceInfo>, IMaaListBuffer<nint, AdbDeviceInfo>, IMaaListBuffer<AdbDeviceInfo>, IMaaBuffer<IMaaListBuffer<AdbDeviceInfo>>, IList<AdbDeviceInfo>, ICollection<AdbDeviceInfo>, IEnumerable<AdbDeviceInfo>, IEnumerable, IMaaDisposableHandle<nint>, IMaaDisposable, IDisposable
Inherited Members
- AdbDeviceListBuffer(nint)
Creates a MaaFramework.Binding.Buffers.AdbDeviceListBuffer instance.
- AdbDeviceListBuffer()
Creates a MaaFramework.Binding.Buffers.AdbDeviceListBuffer instance.
- IsEmpty
Gets a value indicates whether the MaaFramework.Binding.Buffers.IMaaListBuffer`1 is empty.
- IsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1 is read-only.
- MaaSizeCount
Gets the number of elements contained in the MaaFramework.Binding.Buffers.IMaaListBuffer`1.
- this[ulong]
Gets the element at the specified index.
- Add(AdbDeviceInfo)
Adds an element to the MaaFramework.Binding.Buffers.IMaaListBuffer`1.
- Clear()
Removes all elements from the MaaFramework.Binding.Buffers.IMaaListBuffer`1.
- ReleaseHandle()
When overridden in a derived class, executes the code required to free the handle.
- RemoveAt(ulong)
Removes the element at the specified index.
- TryIndexOf(AdbDeviceInfo, out ulong)
Attempts to get index of the specified element.