Table of Contents

Constructor RecognitionDetail


RecognitionDetail(long, string, string, bool, IMaaRectBuffer?, string, MaaImage?, IList<MaaImage>?)

A sealed record providing properties of recognition detail.

public RecognitionDetail(long Id, string Name, string Algorithm, bool Hit, IMaaRectBuffer? HitBox, string Detail, MaaImage? Raw, IList<MaaImage>? Draws)


Id long

Gets the recognition id.

Name string

Gets the recognition name.

Algorithm string

Gets the algorithm name of the recognition.

Hit bool

Gets a value indicates whether the recognition is hit.

HitBox IMaaRectBuffer?

Gets the hit box if hit; otherwise null.

Detail string

Gets the recognition detail.

Raw MaaImage?

Gets the raw image on the recognition completing if in debug mode; otherwise null.

Draws IList<MaaImage>?

Gets the draw images on the recognition completed if in debug mode; otherwise null.