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Enum GlobalOption

public enum GlobalOption


DebugMode = 6

Whether to debug

value: bool, eg: true; val_size: sizeof(bool)

Invalid = 0
LogDir = 1

Log dir

value: string, eg: "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\log"; val_size: string length

Recording = 3

Dump all screenshots and actions

Recording will evaluate to true if any of this or MaaCtrlOptionEnum::MaaCtrlOption_Recording is true.

value: bool, eg: true; val_size: sizeof(bool)

SaveDraw = 2

Whether to save draw

value: bool, eg: true; val_size: sizeof(bool)

ShowHitDraw = 5

Whether to show hit draw

value: bool, eg: true; val_size: sizeof(bool)

StdoutLevel = 4

The level of log output to stdout

value: MaaLoggingLevel, val_size: sizeof(MaaLoggingLevel)

default value is MaaLoggingLevel_Error